Monday, September 28, 2009

In memory & heroism of Muelmar Magallanes

Muelmar Magallanes, an 18 year old construction worker, sacrificed his life to save more than 30 people from the floods that inundated Marikina City & several parts of Metro Manila on September 26, 2009.

"He gave up his life that others may live"

Read more >> Hero drowns after saving dozens
/ Heroic rescuer by BBC News

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Provident Village, Marikina, Philippines

Why Provident Village in Marikina was one of the worst hit areas? This map shows you exactly why. The shaded area is where Provident Village is situated. Looking at this map you will see that the entire village is surrounded or enclosed within the "U shape" of the Marikina River. Thus when there is a heavy downpour, the water has nowhere to go but overflow into this area. Click on the image of the map to get a larger view.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ondoy (Ketsana) came to visit . . .

In less than 10 hours, tropical storm "Ondoy" (Ketsana) had turned so many lives upside down. It was a destructive flood no one anticipated was coming - almost everyone was caught off guard. Rescue operations were slow & in disarray. Let's all learn from this experience. Be prepared, always have an emergency kit handy. Team up with your neighbors to devise a plan of action. Involve your community.